AMPP Global , the leading international association dedicated to corrosion prevention and control, was present at the 20th meeting of the Latin American Society of Maritime and Monobuoy Operators (SLOM). The company’s president, Juan Caballero , highlighted the importance of strengthening the collaboration between both entities and the strategic advances of his organization.
An agreement for a shared future
La relación entre AMPP y SLOM se ha consolidado a lo largo de los años gracias a un acuerdo de entendimiento (MOU) que posiciona a SLOM como una de las “sociedades hermanas” más importantes para la empresa en Latinoamérica. Esta alianza tiene como objetivo promover prácticas sostenibles y seguras, fundamentales para el futuro de la industria marítimo-petrolera.
The collaboration was reflected in activities such as the ” One Day Corrosion “, organised as a prelude to the main event, where more than 50 participants explored topics of marine corrosion and asset protection.
AMPP and SLOM have a signed agreement, an MOU […] we share a vision of creating a more protected, secure and sustainable world.
Caballero commented, highlighting the impact of this alliance in the region.
Promoting professionalization from the base
One of AMPP’s pillars is the training of young professionals through its student chapters, which have grown significantly in recent years. Currently, the organization has 28 chapters, most of them outside the United States, which highlights its global impact. Notable examples include the creation of chapters in Venezuela and Mexico , strengthening the connection between academia and industry.
This educational approach seeks to ensure that students have access to specialized knowledge and can plan a career in critical areas such as corrosion.
Students will be able to recognize the value and importance […] and plan a career in corrosion.
Caballero stated
Standards as the linchpin of industrial progress
La empresa ha cambiado el acceso a estándares técnicos, permitiendo que los miembros puedan utilizarlos como base para proyectos sostenibles. Esto incluye no solo estándares tradicionales como la preparación de superficies, sino también avances en tecnología como la inspección robótica y el uso de drones. Estos estándares son esenciales para garantizar operaciones seguras y rentables. Con iniciativas recientes, los miembros individuales ahora pueden acceder a toda la cartera de estándares de AMPP, marcando un hito en su estrategia global.
Starting September 1st, […] with your individual membership you can have access to all AMPP standards
I explain Knight
AMPP: A global model for the maritime sector
Under the leadership of Alan Thomas, CEO of AMPP , the organization has intensified its focus on regions with the greatest needs, such as Latin America. This collaborative model seeks to create a global community where professionals can exchange knowledge and contribute to the development of the sector. Caballero summarized this approach with an invitation to join this collective vision, reinforcing AMPP’s commitment to inclusion and innovation.
SLOM 2024: A space for collective growth
SLOM 2024 celebrates two decades of work in the sector, offering a unique platform for innovation and strengthening strategic alliances. Technical activities and networking spaces allow participants to address common challenges and find sustainable solutions. The event reaffirms the importance of forging long-lasting collaborations such as that between AMPP and SLOM, an example of how cooperation can drive progress across the region.
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Source and Photo: Inspenet