ABRACO will learn about innovations in corrosion monitoring at AMPP

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Inspenet, March 20, 2023

Inspenet, a technical platform for the energy sector, is in Denver, USA, from the Convention Center, where the AMPP 2023 Annual Conference and Exhibition has been taking place since yesterday, which will run until Thursday, March 23.

At this event, we exclusively interviewed Dr. Zehbour Panossian, Director of the Brazilian Corrosion Association (ABRACO – Associação Brasileira de Corrosão), and a researcher for more than 40 years at the Institute of Technological Research (IPT – Institute of Technological Research) of the State of São Paulo, Brazil.

For dr. Panossian, the AMPP Conference 2023 will be a great event and a complete success. He hopes to attend lectures regarding innovations in non-intrusive corrosion.

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“I want to see the lectures and equipment for corrosion monitoring mainly online, non-intrusive, because that is what we need, to control correctly without going inside the tanks, using the new technologies that are at our service to monitor in line. It’s what I want to see more of here at the conference,” Panossian explained.

“As a researcher, I am interested in monitoring this type of inspection (non-intrusive online) in the laboratory. I think that this will be my approach here to apply it to my institution, which is corrosion, fundamentally, scientific and technological”, added Panossian.

Finally, Panossian took the opportunity to invite to a joint event of the AMPP and ABRACO, LatinCORR & InterCorr, which will take place from November 5 to 8, 2023 at the Windsor Barra Hotel – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “I am sure that it will be one of the largest events to take place in Brazil in the area of corrosion. I hope everyone attends.”

Source and Photo : Inspenet

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