Articles by success cases

success cases

From the Deepwater Horizon disaster to the forefront of education and training: transforming the paradigm of safety in the oil and gas industry.

Inspenet, August 27, 2023.
On April 20, 2010, the world witnessed the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. It was one of the most significant events in terms of environmental and industrial disasters in history. The event involved the explosion and collapse of the platform. Among the various factors that contributed to the disaster, one of the main ones was the lack of proper inspection and poor maintenance of critical equipment.

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success cases

Titan The underwater device that failed to reveal the hidden secrets of the Titanic

Inspenet, June 25, 2023.
The Titan: The Oceangate company’s underwater device was a manned underwater vehicle designed to carry out research and exploration expeditions in the deep sea. Oceangate is a company specialized in exploring and accessing remote points in the ocean, with the Titan submersible being one of its main devices that carried out these missions.

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