Articles by non destructive testing

Métodos de Ensayos No Destructivos para la Inspección de tambores de coque
non destructive testing

Non-Destructive Testing Methods for Coke Drum Inspection

In the oil refining process, coke drums play a key role, especially in the delayed coking unit, where the heavy oil residue is converted into lighter hydrocarbon products and petroleum coke. These drums operate under extreme conditions of cyclic thermal stresses, high temperatures and pressures, making them susceptible to various types of service failures.

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Avances en la evaluación del Ataque por Hidrógeno a Alta Temperatura HTHA Técnica Ultrasónica de Imágenes por Coherencia de Fase (PCI)
non destructive testing

Advances in the Evaluation of High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA): Ultrasonic Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI) Technique

Author: Ing. Carlos Alvarez, March 13, 2024.
High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA) represents a significant risk
for industrial equipment operating in environments with high hydrogen content, especially in sectors such as petrochemicals and refining. Recent advances in ultrasound technology, particularly Phase Coherence Imaging (PCI), offer promising solutions to improve HTHA assessment.

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Ultrasonido por Arreglo de Fases en el control de la corrosión en tuberías menores
non destructive testing

Phase Array Ultrasound (PAUT) in corrosion control of minor pipelines

Author: Ing. Carlos Alvarez, 06 March 2024.
Corrosion control is a problem in industries, especially in sectors that depend on pipelines for the transport of fluids such as oil, gas and water, such as the petroleum, petrochemical and nuclear sectors. Internal corrosion of pipelines, if not properly controlled, can lead to catastrophic failures, environmental damage, loss of life and large financial losses.

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Detección de defectos en bridas con Ultrasonido por Arreglo de Fases (PAUT)
non destructive testing

Flange Flaw Detection with Phase Array Ultrasound (PAUT)

Author: Ing. Carlos Alvarez, 02 March 2024.
Flanges play a critical role in ensuring the integrity and operability of pipelines in the industry. However, these components are susceptible to degradation due to corrosion damage, fatigue and mechanical wear. To maintain safety and reliability, regular inspections are essential.

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Alternativas de inspección para tubos de intercambiadores enfriados por aire
non destructive testing

Inspection alternatives for air-cooled heat exchanger tubes

Author: Eng. Carlos Álvarez, February 27, 2024.
In the field of industrial maintenance and safety, Non Destructive Testing (NDT) methods represent the first line of defense against potential failures and hazards. Among the critical components that require meticulous inspection are the finned air-cooled exchanger tubes, key elements in various industries.

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