Israel commissions its first wave energy system

Isbel Lázaro.
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sistema de energía undimotriz

Inspenet, August 20, 2023.

Eco Wave Power, a Swedish company specializing in the evolution and commissioning of onshore wave power systems, has successfully connected its inaugural station located in Tel Aviv’s Jaffa Port to Israel’s electrical system.

Under the name of EWP-EDF One , this project has a power generation capacity of 100 kW, enough to supply energy to a maximum of 100 homes under optimal performance conditions.

In the next step, a comprehensive calibration of the system will be carried out, which will be followed by the formalization of the integration and a demo scheduled for the second half of 2023.

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The construction of this wave power plant by Eco Wave Power has been carried out in collaboration with the Israeli subsidiary of EDF Renewables and the support of the Ministry of Energy of that country. The company has highlighted that its technology has been recognized by the Ministry as a benchmark in innovation.

Wave Power System Details

The wave energy system includes a series of ten floats that are located next to the pre-existing breakwater in the port. Each is directly linked to the ground power conversion unit developed by Eco Wave Power, making it easy to access for operational maintenance and upgrades.

The company has stated that the use of existing structures in the port demonstrates its commitment to building clean energy projects in a sustainable manner in diverse environments. The versatility of his approach is demonstrated by implementing this project in the historic port of Jaffa, one of the oldest in the world.

The next port in which a similar installation is planned will be Los Angeles, in the United States, which is among the most active globally.

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