Inspenet celebrates its second anniversary!

Isbel Lázaro.
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Inspenet, November 10, 2023.

Your global network of knowledge and professional connection, celebrates its second anniversary full of gratitude for the achievements achieved and especially for the support that our community gives us every day. We are already 265 K!

Throughout this year we have established new commercial alliances with prominent companies in the energy sector. We have also been present at important events such as the XIX SLOM Conference, the AMMP + Expo 2023 Conference, the ASNT 2023 Conference, the III Edition of IMCORRS and the LatinCORR & InterCorr 2023 Conference.

Let’s go for more!

Our enthusiasm is growing! That is why we will continue to connect both professionals and companies and propose effective solutions for growth and development in the areas of mechanical integrity and reliability of assets, through training spaces, advice and debates.

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For us you are the most important thing and with the aim of making knowledge the strength of our community, this coming November 20th there will be the pre-sale of the “ Maintenance focused on reliability ” diploma. We invite you to continue paying attention to our publications. There will be surprises and the launch of new products.

Likewise, we will continue to offer you technical and narrative articles and updated content so that you are up to date with the latest trends, news and innovations in the energy sector. Enter our platform and find valuable information in each section.

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