AC2: Optimizing Terminal Operations for Efficiency, Safety, and Profit

AC2: Empowering clients with personalized and integrated terminal automation.

AC2, a leading terminal automation company with 25 years of experience, has been highlighted at the ILTA 2024 conference for its innovative solutions that optimize efficiency and safety in terminal operations.

AC2: Innovative solutions for terminal automation

AC2’s Managing Partner, Elaine Boubenider, spoke with Inspenet at the company’s booth about its products and services, highlighting the importance of cutting-edge technology for the terminal industry. AC2 offers a wide range of solutions, including:

  • Process automation: AC2 develops software with the latest technologies such as .NET Core and Angular to automate manual tasks and optimize workflow at the terminal.
  • Inventory management: The company offers solutions for accurate inventory control, including QR code scanning and eliminating the need for physical cards.
  • Rail management: AC2 has developed a system for inspecting, reading tags and keeping track of rail cars inside the terminal, improving efficiency and safety.
  • Alerts and notifications: Text messages and emails can be sent to report events, alarms, order arrivals and other relevant issues.
  • File processor: This tool automates reading and entering order information from PDF files, eliminating manual work and reducing errors.

Elaine mentioned a success story where AC2’s implementation of dual verification helped detect potential errors in railcar loading, preventing incidents and improving safety.

Personalized Approach & Integrated Solutions: AC2’s Differentiator

AC2 is distinguished by its customized approach and its ability to tailor its solutions to the specific needs of each customer. The company offers scalable, multilingual products that fit terminal operations around the world.

By participating in ILTA 2024, AC2 has reaffirmed its commitment to innovation and continuous improvement in the terminal industry. The company offers end-to-end solutions that optimize the efficiency, safety and profitability of operations, contributing to the success of its customers.

Elaine Boubenider Managing Partner at AC2
Elaine Boubenider at ILTA 2024

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