Why not the best? will be the main conference at AMPP 2023

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Inspenet, March 19, 2023

The Association for the Protection and Performance of Materials or AMPP (Association for Materials Protection and Performance), will hold from today until Thursday, March 23, the Annual Conference and Exhibition AMPP 2023, at the Convention Center de Colorado, in Denver, USA, where it will have an extensive program of technical symposia, forums, workshops, student poster sessions, networking events and a large exhibition of products and services.

This year, four-time Super Bowl champion, quarterback, and television personality Terry Bradshaw will be the conference’s keynote speaker, with a speech titled “Why Not the Best?”

In addition to his football hall of fame career, Bradshaw enjoys immense success and respect in several areas, as he is also a motivational speaker and New York Times best-selling author. His presentation will be one of several opportunities for attendees to focus on self-improvement and leadership.

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Badshaw’s conference will be tomorrow, Monday the 20th, at 3:00 pm. to 4:30 p.m. at the Four Seasons Ballroom at the Colorado Convention Center.

Inspenet, the knowledge and professional connection network, will be present at the venue to offer you exclusive information on what is happening at the conference, with interviews with the speakers and news from the exhibition.

To find out the detailed program of the event, visit the AMPP website: https://my.ampp.org/Events/Schedule.aspx?id=ccd93837-a782-ec11-81b4-005056a95a7c&_gl=1*1nr11nl*_ga* NTE3MTc1MTQwLjE2NzQwNzE3NjI.*_ga_SSMRX1KC1H*MTY3NjU1MTkwMS41LjEuMTY3NjU1MTkxNi40NS4wLjA .

For more information and to register, go to: https://ace.ampp.org/home

Source : https://www.facebook.com/AMPPorg/

Photo: Facebook Terry Bradshaw

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