Octopus and Energisa join forces to improve energy in Brazil

The objective of the alliance is to optimize the energy value chain, reduce costs and improve customer service.
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El compromiso de Octopus y Energisa y la energía de Brasil

Octopus and Energisa create a working alliance that aims to channel an energy transition , through a collaboration that combines technological innovation with experience in energy distribution.

Support and improvement of energy in Brazil

Based on this collaboration, both entities will implement an action plan that includes the exchange of specialized knowledge, the licensing of advanced technologies and the exploration of new joint ventures . This approach is designed to facilitate the expansion of renewable energy in Brazil, offering sustainable and economically accessible energy solutions at a significant scale.

By exchanging proven technologies and market strategies, Octopus and Energisa will focus on improving the management of Energisa’s solar installations and storage systems . This will optimize operations, improve energy efficiency and increase the quality of customer service.

In advanced stages of their partnership, Octopus Energy and Energisa will evaluate the creation of joint ventures in Brazil . These efforts will include the introduction of an energy retail business and the rollout of mobile charging service for electric vehicles, known as “Electroverse.” Likewise, the exploration of flexible market models is contemplated to better adapt to local energy needs .

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The commitment of Octopus and Energisa

This agreement sets the tone for Octopus Energy in the South American market, and lays the foundations towards a more accessible and secure energy system. The company seeks to replicate the success of its Kraken technology platform, which uses artificial intelligence to optimize the energy value chain and has proven capable of reducing costs and improving customer service .

The Kraken platform manages more than 54 million energy accounts and oversees the operation of 38 GW of renewable energy in 12 countries . For its part, Energisa highlights its leadership in microgrid technology and its commitment to the development of projects in disadvantaged regions of Brazil.

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Source: Octopus Energy Group

Photo: Shutterstock

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