Inspenet’s Take: Virtual Learning Amid the Pandemic

The objective of this article is to present Inspenet's perspective regarding the virtual educational modality; which, in times of pandemic, has been potentiated derived from social distancing, produced by Covid-19 as a measure to face this crisis.
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The objective of this article is to present Inspenet’s perspective regarding the virtual educational modality; which, in times of pandemic, has been potentiated derived from social distancing, produced by Covid-19 as a measure to face this crisis.

The current coronavirus pandemic has caused a sudden rethinking of education at the international level in all universities in various countries of the world, social distancing measures forced educational institutions to suspend their face-to-face academic activities and develop teaching and evaluation strategies through social media. virtual. This scenario can be considered as an opportunity to consolidate these virtual strategies.


The World Health Organization (WHO), in March 2020 declared the Covid-19 disease or Coronavirus worldwide as a pandemic, affecting the different economic, productive, commercial, social, tourist and mainly educational activities at the international level. , and with it, the consequences that this pandemic has caused.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, 2020), the health crisis due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, commonly known as Covid-19 or coronavirus, has caused the most severe disorder of history in educational systems. Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that can cause various conditions, from the common cold to more serious illnesses, such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and the one that causes respiratory syndrome. severe acute (SARS-CoV). According to a study carried out by UNESCO (2020): On April 27, 2020, in the face of this situation, educational institutions in more than 161 countries decided to suspend face-to-face teaching activities at all educational levels as part of the measures restrictive by the pandemic, and turned this scourge into one of the greatest threats to contemporary education, a fact that, without a doubt, is aggravating the global learning crisis that already exists in some countries of the world, especially in underdeveloped countries, where learning poverty is exemplified.

Preventive measures make it difficult to provide essential services, among which is the closure of educational institutions and the transition to distance education, due to the desire to alert about the health of the inhabitants, remain under quarantine and social isolation. This situation caused the different public and private sectors in various areas to carry out their work activities through teleworking; for which the educational sector was not exempt from this problem, which generated that education at all levels and especially higher education work using the virtual or online education system.

Virtual educational perspective of Inspenet before the Pandemic

The challenge for educational systems in recent months has been to maintain the vitality of education and promote the development of meaningful learning. To do this, it has had two key allies: its teachers and virtuality”. Within this context, Inspenet through its E-Learning platform: , provides a solution tool to this situation by providing online education through digital technologies; a scenario that involves multiple challenges for all participants in the educational process, not only because of the uncertainty generated by social confinement, but also because it is curious that even being so familiar with the term “virtuality”, it is a generally strange and unknown world ; to which we have had to adapt with great speed.

Inspenet E-Learning is a platform created in order to maintain and promote the development and strengthening of technical skills that will allow students and professionals to be successful in today’s competitive labor markets, providing the opportunity to train and complete your higher education studies through Courses and Diplomas in the areas of: Inspection, Quality Management System (QMS), Maintenance Management and Reliability, to expand knowledge and enhance your level in the professional field. It has instructors of a high academic and technical level, publications of audiovisual and reading material for consultation at any time. It has the advantage of allowing communication in real time, innovating online teaching, adapting to current reality

In addition to the E-learning section, Inspenet has various sections of technical, scientific and entertainment interest: Articles, News, Inspenet TV, Forum Rooms for questions and answers, a Wall section where users can participate by interacting in real time with the Global Inspenet community through their ideas, proposals and contributions. This global network has resources designed to assist technology novices and experts alike in their performance and professional experience in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industry. Similarly, the content section has articles with information on this digital age, on the most advanced technological innovations and trends in terms of inspection techniques and methods that will help you comply with the specific standards of the industry. In this sense, Inspenet represents a virtual platform that provides technical solutions to engineering professionals in the sectors of: oil, gas, petrochemical, mining, electricity and new energies, connecting them with the global community to expand knowledge and enhance your level in the field. professional. To expand this information, we invite you to visit our E-Learning page.



The forced virtualization to which international educational institutions have been subjected due to the restrictive measures adopted in the face of the pandemic, is presented as an opportunity to definitively and operationally introduce digital tools in educational spaces at all levels, making It is peremptory to adopt new forms of teaching and learning that allow virtuality to be conceived as an inevitable reality, based on social realities at a global level. Virtual education has been positioning itself, as this method distributes learning time in a more flexible way than face-to-face, and offers a more intense and interactive learning experience.


UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) (2020), “Educational disruption and response to COVID-19”[en línea]