Satellite superfactory to be built in China

The Beijing Spacecraft Environmental Engineering Institute estimates an annual production of 1,000 satellites.
La superfábrica de satélites

Hainan province, located in southern China, is in preparations to establish a new super satellite factory facility. This project is aligned with plans for the country’s southernmost rocket center, which is preparing for an increase in commercial launches.

China’s satellite superfactory

In the large factory, satellites will be implemented and assembled on production lines similar to those used in the automotive industry. This method will enable a reduction in space project costs and strengthen China’ s commercial space industry .

According to Liu Botao, chief engineer of fixed-asset construction at the Beijing Spacecraft Environmental Engineering Institute, he said, “Annual production is expected to reach 1,000 satellites.”

With the intention of refining the design of the facility, experts from national aerospace institutes and commercial space companies met in Hainan. Its goal is to ensure that the factory can meet the growing demand for future commercial launches.

A commercial and affordable opportunity for future satellites

Satellites have been manufactured individually to meet specific purposes, often resulting in high costs. This new factory makes it possible to become a viable option for private companies wishing to launch satellites into space.

In addition, the factory’s location near the launch pads and the launch pads in the city of Wenchang in the city of Wenchang, northeast of Hainan, will contribute to a decrease in transportation costs. Zhang Chenghao, director of the administrative office of Wenchang International Aerospace City, noted that “in the past, satellites were manufactured in different parts of the country and then shipped to Hainan. With the help of the factory, we will be able to launch the satellites once they are built.”

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Source: CGTN News

Photo: Shutterstock