Two companies develop technique to address corrosion in FPSO and FSO

Isbel Lázaro.
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corrosión en FPSO y FSO

MODEC and Toray Industr i es have collaborated in the development of a novel patching technique using carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) aimed at corrosion attack in FPSO and FSO .

New technique to address corrosion in FPSO and FSO

Starting this year, MODEC intends to offer these services specifically for repairs caused by pitting corrosion . The technique has been approved by ABS and is designed to repair areas with diameters up to 300 mm affected by pitting corrosion . According to MODEC, this technique allows efficient repairs to be carried out at sea without the need for hot work.

In 2020, the company collaborated with Toray to develop a vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding (VaRTM) method for carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) repairs, which was approved by ABS for application. in steel in order to restore mechanical resistance. Although suitable for repairs to large areas affected by corrosion, this process was less suitable for addressing pitting corrosion.

The newly developed CFRP patching technique stands out for its simplicity and effectiveness, as it only requires the bonding of prefabricated flat plates over pitting corrosion.

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Importantly, the benefits range from reduced repair equipment to improved lead times compared to the VaRTM process, although material procurement times are excluded.

Likewise, it is stated that this technique dispenses with the need to use vacuum pumps and other equipment . MODEC and Toray intend to offer the VaRTM process in the future for extensive repairs, while the CFRP patch technique is reserved for localized repairs.

About pitting corrosion

Pitting corrosion, a common phenomenon in FPSO and FSO, poses significant challenges to structural integrity. This type of corrosion is characterized by small, concentrated perforations, weakening the integrity of the metal.

Its impact can be detrimental, since as it progresses, it can compromise the efficiency and safety of the marine structure. Repairing areas affected by pitting corrosion is crucial to maintaining the strength and durability of FPSOs and FSOs. Innovative techniques, such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) patching, offer effective and efficient solutions to address these localized problems.

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