Autonomous inspection robot deployed on an oil platform

Inspenet, January 30, 2024. ANYBotics, the Swiss company, has remotely deployed its autonomous inspection robot, ANYmal X, on the Valhall oil platform, located in the North Sea 300 km from the coast. This unmanned deployment was possible thanks to the collaboration with the Norwegian company Aker BP and the software development firm Cognite.
robot de inspección

ANYBotics , the Swiss company, has remotely deployed its autonomous inspection robot , ANYmal X, on the Valhall oil platform, located in the North Sea 300 km from the coast. This unmanned deployment was possible thanks to the collaboration with the Norwegian company Aker BP, responsible for the operation of the infrastructure, and the software development firm Cognite, which provided the data collection system powered by artificial intelligence .

The integration of the robotic platform with Cognite Data Fusion highlighted the advantages of remote inspections in areas with explosive atmospheres , using a digital twin system. Testing was carried out on two of Valhall’s decks, covering the review of 70 key points. This allowed operators to plan missions using the ANYbotics Workforce program and analyze the data using the Cognite solution.


The ground control station also assumed control of missions for manual inspection in first aid scenarios.

ANYmal X: the inspection robot that operates in explosive atmospheres

ANYmal _ Its deployment is making it easier for companies to accelerate the inspection process of their assets, which allows early detection of possible failures or imperfections and speeds up maintenance work.

During tests carried out at the Aker infrastructure, the quadruped robot was subjected to launches and mission interruptions, with the aim of testing the limits of the ground control station. The evaluation covered aspects such as reliability, responses to false alarms, ad hoc monitoring implementations, 4G connectivity and operator access to collected data sources.

It is important to mention that the ANYbotics robot substantially improves digital twins in real time by provide live automated data and transmit events automatically, simplifying tasks such as location determination, information analysis and equipment performance reporting.

Cognite, for its part, integrates and contextualizes this data, combining it with all operational, engineering and information technology (IT) data in Cognite Data Fusion. This enables decision makers to access and use complex reference sets, helping to improve operational excellence, maximize production efficiency and ensure safe and sustainable operations, leveraging artificial intelligence and robotics.

The future of offshore inspections

The implementation of remote offshore inspection operations was beneficial for the three partner companies in several aspects. First, it demonstrated the capabilities of the platform and the progress of ANYbotics in its effort to develop a robotic, autonomous and integrated workforce.

It also highlighted the advantages provided by digital twins, built on a secure, open and comprehensive database, intended to function autonomously. Finally, through the data and knowledge gained, it brought Aker BP closer to its goals of reducing personnel transfers by helicopter and moving towards a completely unmanned future at its facilities.

The Norwegian oil company’s senior project engineer, Terje Hammer Meling, stated that “EX-certified robots, such as ANYmal X, are necessary to operate on the high seas. Looking to the unmanned future of the company’s assets, the test provided a qualified experience to continue progressing and helped the team learn a lot“.

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Video: Anybotics

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