Lamborghini reveals plans for an electric GT in 2028

Isbel Lázaro.
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GT eléctrico

Francesco Scardaoni, one of Lamborghini’s executives, highlights a significant challenge in the introduction of electric vehicles: the considerable weight of the batteries, which currently do not fit the characteristics necessary for the supercars that have established the automaker’s reputation. This aspect plays a fundamental role in the Sant’Agata brand’s upcoming determinations regarding electric cars.

An electric GT by 2028

Lamborghini is in the process of developing an electric car that will make its official debut in 2028; However, this is a four-seater grand tourer designed for everyday use and is not intended for track racing. The manager pointed out that, at the moment, pure electric vehicles face challenges in terms of their constant performance on circuits due to problems of overheating and loss of efficiency after a few laps.

During an event in Melbourne, the company unveiled the new Lamborghini Revuelto , a plug-in hybrid supercar that marks the brand’s first step into hybridization technology.

Lamborghini and the reduction of CO2 emissions

In August of last year, Lamborghini presented the Lanzador concept, a two-door, four-seat ultra-grand tourer that will mark the company’s first official step into the field of electric vehicles, although this launch is scheduled for 2028. According to Scardaoni, the intention with this version is to target Gran Turismos, not conventional racing competitions.

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Its objective is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 50% by 2025 , thanks to the implementation of hybrid technology in its models. Lamborghini stands out in terms of sustainability leadership, as its plant in Sant’Agata Bolognese has achieved carbon neutrality .

Today, Lamborghini is moving cautiously but decisively towards electrification, while paying attention to the needs of its customers and staying true to its legacy of delivering high-performance performance.

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