World’s most advanced grid-scale energy storage plant starts up

Isbel Lázaro.
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planta de almacenamiento de energía

Plus Power ‘s Kapolei energy storage plant has been commissioned in Oahu, Hawaii, marking significant progress in the state’s transition toward renewable energy sources and away from traditional energy sources such as coal and oil.

This facility, located on more than 3 hectares of industrial land near Honolulu, uses 158 Tesla Megapack 2 XL lithium iron phosphate batteries , each the size of a shipping container.

About Kapolei Energy Storage Plant

With a total capacity of 185 megawatts and 565 megawatt-hours of electricity, the plant operates as an “electric shock absorber”, responding in just 250 milliseconds , a time considerably faster than combustion plants that take several minutes to activate.

In this regard, Jim Alberts of Hawaiian Electric highlights the importance of energy storage technology that can quickly adapt to changing conditions for efficient management of the electrical grid. This project, the first of its kind to offer large-scale grid formation services, is essential for grids with high renewable energy penetration.

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The Kapolei Energy Storage facility will allow Hawaiian Electric to reduce renewable energy restrictions by 69% and increase the integration of new renewable energy sources by 10%, while supporting the growth of individually owned renewables such as solar on roofs. Additionally, the project is estimated to reduce customers’ electric bills by an average of $0.28 per month over a 20-year contract.

Additionally, this energy storage plant has “black start” capability to support grid recovery in the event of a blackout.

Without a doubt, the KES project not only marks technological progress, but also exemplifies Hawaii’s leadership in the clean energy transition.

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