China surpasses itself with its new bullet train (the fastest in the world)

Isbel Lázaro.
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Inspenet, September 21, 2023.

This bullet train has set a new record, becoming the fastest railway in the world by reaching a speed of over 450 km/h and, although the start date of its commercial operation with passengers has not yet been announced, it has successfully completed the required tests.

This project aims to promote a next generation of faster and more environmentally friendly trains, seeking to reduce carbon emissions and improve efficiency in connecting destinations. China is leading this initiative, as it previously held the record for having the fastest train in the world, with a speed of 350 km/h.

About the new bullet train

The train that is currently in service is called CR400 Fuxing and has the capacity to transport 1,200 passengers distributed in 16 cars. It is equipped with advanced technological amenities both to ensure the comfort of its passengers and to withstand extreme weather conditions.

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bullet train
The CR400 Fuxing has the capacity to transport 1,200 passengers

Now, the company China State Railway Group (CSRG), responsible for the manufacture of these trains, is moving forward with a new model that reaches speeds of up to 453 km/h. The company began planning the development of the CR450 a few years ago and has already successfully completed its first test. The test route was carried out from Fuqing to Qianzhou, both located in Fujian province, in eastern China. Tests were also carried out on a bridge in Meizhou Bay and in a tunnel in Haiwei.

This China Railway train will not only be more environmentally friendly, but will also significantly reduce the time needed to travel long distances. For example, if a train currently takes four and a half hours to cover the route from Beijing to Shanghai, the CR450 will be able to complete that same trip in just two and a half hours.

It should be noted that the Asian country leads the industry in the manufacturing of this type of vehicles. Although the new train is still in the development phase, it is possible that it will begin operating with passengers in the coming years.

Source: 368457.html

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