China shows off impressive technology at Asian Games

Isbel Lázaro.
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Inspenet, October 2, 2023.

At the Hangzhou Asian Games, held in China from September 23 to October 8, robots that capture insects, musical androids and autonomous ice cream trucks are on display, thus highlighting the country’s technology in the midst of this sporting event.

The event was originally scheduled for 2022, but was delayed by a year due to strict COVID-19 measures. With restrictions now lifted, the opening ceremony on September 23 was spectacular. More than 12,000 athletes from 45 countries and territories in Asia and the Middle East compete in 40 sports over two weeks. Alongside them, robots and other technological innovations are deployed to serve, entertain and supervise attendees. Hangzhou, a major technology center in the country, is also home to the headquarters of major Chinese technology companies.

China demonstrating the latest in technology

Among the most impressive, you can see automated mosquito traps in operation in the facilities, which attract and eliminate insects through a system that simulates body temperature and human breathing . In addition, there are robots that look like dogs that can run and jump, interacting with the public, while smaller versions perform dances.

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Likewise, there is a yellow android that plays the piano and to transport visitors to the nearby city of Shaoxing, where the baseball and softball headquarters are located, autonomous minibuses are used.

On the other hand, athletes have the opportunity to test their ping-pong skills against a robot. In the sprawling media center, a robot made of plastic and metal acts as a receptionist, welcoming visitors and offering banking services. Even in the construction of infrastructure, machines played an important role. In fact, the mascots of the Games are humanoid and are called Congcong, Lianlian and Chenchen.

Hangzhou is a city that attracts numerous startups from all over the country. Its robotics sector is striving to close the gap compared to its leading competitors in the United States and Japan. In a technology park in the city, employees of the company DEEP Robotics have evaluated several advanced models before the start of the event. Office workers in the area also use automatic vending machines that steam meals and serve them at the optimal temperature, thanks to manufacturer Kuaie Fresh collecting data on consumer preferences.

Source: %C3% ADa-punta-en-los-juegos-asi %C3% A1ticos

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