Redactor Euclides Quiñonez

Euclides Quiñonez

Mechanical Engineer with specialization in industrial maintenance. 43 years of experience in the oil, petrochemical, gas, metalworking and food industries. Content developer, expert analyst in equipment and corrosion inspection and plant shutdown technical management. Qualified and certified in non-destructive testing techniques UT, PT, VT, MT, RT..
Publications of Euclides Quiñonez
Inspección robótica

Robotic innovation in surface treatments, coating and inspections

Inspenet, October 26, 2023.
Robotic innovation has revolutionized procedures related to the preparation of metal surfaces, the application of coatings and inspection in the industrial field. The incorporation of robots has contributed to greater efficiency, precision and substantial cost reduction, while improving the quality of final products.