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non destructive testing

Non-destructive testing: Discover the technological innovations that are revolutionizing the industry today

Non-destructive inspections and evaluations are essential to guarantee the reliability and safety of assets in the vast majority of industries. These tests allow companies to identify and prevent potential failures or problems before they occur, helping to increase asset reliability, avoid downtime, reduce costs and risk of accidents.

inspenet - sistemas
new energies

Green automation: How technology can reduce the industry’s carbon footprint?

Inspenet, March 17, 2023.
Green automation is emerging as an innovative and sustainable solution to address the challenges of intensive energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. The combination of industrial automation with clean technologies and more efficient processes can help to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of the industry and make production processes more sustainable.

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corrosion and materials

Is your company aligned with the latest technologies in cathodic protection?

Inspenet, March 16, 2023.
Cathodic protection is a control method to prevent corrosion in buried and submerged metal structures, prolonging the useful life of assets. This method has evolved significantly in recent decades, however, many companies still use outdated technologies, which can increase the risk of failure and decrease the effectiveness of these systems.

Liderazgo organizacional: Descubre los secretos para transformar tu equipo
soft skills

Organizational Leadership: Discover the secrets to transform your team

Organizational leadership and its influence on the decisions of a company is essential for the achievement of all its objectives; through a joint vision, an analysis of information and continuous learning to expand knowledge. A leader must have the ability to execute and align actions, in order to improve the organization and the business work environment.