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corrosion and materials

Microorganisms vs Petrochemicals: Tackling Microbial Corrosion with Innovation

Microbial corrosion is a phenomenon, caused by specific microorganisms, that can weaken and damage metals and other materials used in petrochemical infrastructure, such as pipelines and storage tanks. In this technical article, we will explore microbial corrosion in detail and present the most advanced coating technologies employed to combat this growing problem.

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non destructive testing

Unveiling Hidden Stresses: The Power of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Testing in Evaluating Residual Stresses in Hydropower Materials.

X-ray Diffraction is a scientific technique used to evaluate the internal structure of materials. It is based on the phenomenon of the interference of X-ray waves when they impinge on a crystalline sample. This technique has proven to be especially valuable in characterizing the crystalline structure of various materials, including those used in hydroelectric plants.

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Wings over the waves: Drones and robotics in the inspection of offshore oil platforms

Inspenet, June 21, 2023.
With the emergence of a robust technology industry around the world, advances in drones and robotics are driving standards for safety, efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness in inspections of offshore oilfield systems, equipment, and structures. These evolutions allow the constant monitoring of the platforms, preventing failures and attending to any incident immediately.