API Summit 2024 ended successfully

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Cumbre API 2024

The 2024 Mechanical Inspection and Integrity Summit , organized by the American Petroleum Institute (API), concluded successfully at the Henry B. González Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas.

From January 23 to 25, experts, professionals and leaders from the oil, gas, chemical and petrochemical industries met with the purpose of sharing knowledge and information about the latest trends, innovations and best practices in the sector.

Led by renowned energy expert, author and podcaster Robert Bryce, the summit was highlighted as an ideal space for knowledge exchange and networking in the field of mechanical inspection and integrity in the industry.

Some of the topics to be discussed were: “Corrosion control using guided waves for carbon capture and storage“, “Consideration of refractory stiffness for pipe flexibility analysis“, “Inspection of internal corrosion in a produced water system“, among others, as well as some case studies.

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It is important to highlight that the API Summit 2024 focused on providing a networking platform for inspectors and inspection support professionals, encompassing days of educational content and offering outstanding opportunities to establish connections, preceded by a day of in-depth training courses.

Inspenet was present at the API Summit 2024

Inspenet, your network of knowledge and professional connection, was present at the API Summit 2024 providing complete coverage of the event. Through our web and social media platform, we offered real-time access to exclusive conferences, presentations and interviews with prominent industry leaders.

We invite you to see all the details of the development of the event through our Inspenet TV section and witness the best of the API 2024 Conference.

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Source: Inspenet

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