Honda presented a new generation of hydrogen fuel cells

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Inspenet, November 30, 2023.

Honda unveiled its latest hydrogen fuel cell system developed in collaboration with General Motors. This event marked the beginning of European Hydrogen Week , the main annual meeting dedicated to the sector in Europe. Honda’s new fuel cell system stood out for its compact and powerful design, designed to offer exceptional durability and broad versatility.

After more than 30 years at the forefront of hydrogen fuel cell development, we believe that demand for this technology will soon reach the critical mass necessary for full commercial implementation. The features of our next-generation fuel cell system are ideally suited to meet the pressing needs of various industries seeking a rapid transition to zero-emission energy sources. It is a highly versatile unit with its compact size, powerful performance, exceptional durability and ability to deliver fast boot times, even in low temperature environments.”said Ingo Nyhues, Deputy General Manager of Business Planning and Development for Europe at Honda Motor Europe.

Implementation of hydrogen fuel cells

The first area of ​​implementation will be electric vehicles. In 2024, in North America and Japan, Honda will launch a new hydrogen car based on the CR-V model introduced last year, but equipped with the next-generation system.

At the same time, the company will continue to advance the development of fuel cell solutions for large commercial vehicle applications. In collaboration with Isuzu Motors, demonstration tests on public roads have already been scheduled for a new truck model that will go on the market in 2027.

Honda will also propose the implementation of its fuel cell systems in the field of power generation and the first step will be the installation of a stationary fuel cell power plant with a capacity of approximately 500 kW on the American Honda corporate campus Motor Co., Inc. in California. This plant will reuse the systems previously installed in Honda Clarity Fuel Cells vehicles.

Additionally, the company has its sights set on space. The company has signed a research and development contract with JAXA, the Japanese space agency, to research and develop prototypes of a system that combines water electrolysis and fuel cells. The goal is to supply electricity to the lunar habitation modules and rovers.

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