Texas Stress Inc.: Heat Treating Specialists at API Summit

Texas Stress Inc. with projects spanning the U.S., Canada, and beyond, Texas Stress showcases its prowess in tackling complex industry challenges and connecting with key partners in reliability and inspection.

At the API Summit in San Antonio, we had the privilege of speaking with Cy Rankin from Texas Stress Inc., a company specializing in industrial heat treating. Texas Stress Inc. serves a diverse range of industries, including refineries, power plants, and fabrication shops.

Rooted in Texas, Serving the World

With offices in La Porte, Beaumont, and Corpus Christi, Texas Stress Inc. has firmly established its presence in Texas. However, their reach extends far beyond the Lone Star State. “We work wherever we’re wanted and needed,” says Cy. Their projects have taken them across the United States and internationally to locations like Aruba, Canada, and Trinidad.

Notable Projects and Technical Expertise

Texas Stress Inc. Prides itself on handling significant projects, including GNL expansion projects in Colorado and Wyoming and a technical heat exchanger job in Canada. Their expertise in turnarounds was also showcased in Aruba, highlighting their capability to manage complex and large-scale operations.

At the API Summit: Connecting and Expanding

The main goal for Texas Stress Inc. at the API Summit is to connect with clients in reliability and inspection, and to offer partnership on critical path projects. “We’re here to get involved early in projects to design heat treat plans,” explains Cy. The Summit has proven fruitful, providing them with valuable leads and networking opportunities.

Staying Engaged and Accessible

Texas Stress Inc. is active in trade shows and golf tournaments, constantly engaging with their audience. Cy mentions that those interested can find more about them on LinkedIn, Facebook, and their website, Their marketing manager, Melissa, ensures that their branding is visible and accessible to potential clients.

Cy Rankin from Texas Stress INC. At API Summit 2024

For more content related to the conference visit https://inspenet.com/inspenet-tv/ and our Youtube channel.

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