Exclusive Interview with BECHT at AMPP: A Focus on Prevention

At the AMPP conference, BECHT, a corrosion solution pioneer, shares its comprehensive approach to industry-wide prevention, also marking its 60th anniversary.

Welcome back to AMPP, where we’re currently stationed at the BECHT stand a name that’s become a staple in Inspenet programming. Sridhar Srinivasan, Modeling and Software Leader at BECHT, took a moment to share insights into BECHT’s enduring legacy and their commitment to solving corrosion problems across various industries.

A Legacy of Solving Corrosion Challenges

BECHT has a prominent presence in the corrosion materials market, working closely with leading operators to tackle their corrosion materials problems in oil and gas, pipelines, refineries, and more,” Srinivasan explained.

This dedication to addressing industry-wide challenges underscores BECHT’s role at AMPP, where global corrosion professionals gather annually.

Expanding Horizons Beyond the COKER Workshop

Srinivasan highlighted the differences between BECHT’s participation in the recent COKER workshop and their presence at AMPP.

While the COKER workshop focused on refinery-specific issues, AMPP encompasses the entire universe of energy—including downstream petrochemicals, pipelines, and renewables,” he stated, emphasizing the broader scope of their involvement.

BECHT’s Role in Proactive Protection

With a focus on prevention and protection, BECHT aids customers in identifying weaknesses in their corrosion prevention programs. “It’s about being proactive,” Srinivasan remarked, pointing to the importance of preemptive measures in corrosion management.

As BECHT celebrates its 60th anniversary, the company reflects on its growth into a global force of thousands of professionals recognized for their technical expertise. Srinivasan proudly announced a summer celebration in New Jersey for BECHT employees and their families, marking this significant milestone.

In closing, Srinivasan’s conversation with Inspenet not only sheds light on BECHT’s contributions to the industry but also celebrates a legacy of innovation and excellence in corrosion prevention. As BECHT looks forward to their big celebration, their commitment to leading the charge in the industry remains unwavering.

The website: becht.com/

For more content related to the conference visit inspenet.com/en/inspenet-tv/ and our Youtube channel.

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