Wind farms in Ireland have provided 35% of electricity this year

For the first time, Cork overtook Kerry as Ireland's top wind power producer in May 2024.

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Ireland is driving its path to a sustainable future with wind energy. A recent report by Wind Energy Ireland reveals that the country’s wind farms provided 35% of electricity during the first five months of 2024, a significant achievement that marks a new step in the transition to renewable energy.

Ireland reduces dependence on fossil fuels with wind energy

Despite a slight increase in electricity demand, wind power held steady, partially offsetting the shortfall with a record month for solar power. Cork became the leading producer of wind energy, overtaking Kerry for the first time, closely followed by Galway, Tipperary and Tyrone.

Justin Moran, Director of Public Affairs for Wind Energy Ireland, highlighted the importance of this achievement:“Every time a wind turbine or solar panel generates electricity, it reduces our dependence on imported fossil fuels, which helps reduce wholesale electricity prices and increases our supply of clean energy“.

Wind farms boost Ireland’s economy

Beyond the generation of clean energy, the wind farms wind farms wind farms also offer additional benefits. They serve as wildlife refuges and provide opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking and horseback riding. The“Get Out in the Wind” campaign encourages people to explore these spaces and experience wind energy firsthand.

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In economic terms, wind farms contribute to job creation and financing opportunities in rural communities. They are estimated to reduce Ireland’s carbon emissions by more than 4 million tons per year.

The future of energy in Ireland is promising. With abundant renewable resources, the country is well positioned to achieve energy independence, providing warmer homes and cleaner air for its citizens.

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Source: windenergyireland

Photo: Shutterstock

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