Beam announces launch of first AI-powered autonomous underwater vehicle

The success at the Seagreen Wind Farm is a great benchmark for Beam, which plans to expand this technology to its entire fleet by 2026.
El primer vehículo submarino autónomo impulsado por IA por la empresa Beam

Beam announces the implementation of the first AI-powered autonomous underwater vehicle. The technology is being used to inspect structures at the Seagreen wind farm in Scotland, improving subsea inspection schedules and in marine robotics.

The first autonomous underwater vehicle powered by AI

The Seagreen wind farm, a partnership between SSE Renewables, TotalEnergies and PTTEP, has benefited from the vehicle’s ability to carry out complex surveys without human intervention, improving the companies’ operational efficiency. This has reduced costs and inspection times by more than 50% on a daily basis.

Inspections of offshore wind installations used to be labor-intensive and require manual processes. However, the autonomous vehicle allows data to be transmitted directly to shore, facilitating immediate analysis and reducing the need for on-site personnel.

This advance makes it possible to increase the quality of the data obtained, while ensuring a more sustainable approach to inspections and maintenance of large infrastructures. maintenance of large infrastructures. The company’s goal is to integrate automation in conjunction with artificial intelligence, in order to resolve situations that may arise in the future.

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The world’s first autonomous AI-driven underwater inspection. Source: Beam

Beam CEO Brian Allen noted that this autonomous vehicle is a representation of the future of subsea operations, supporting all activities related to wind energy, making them more accessible, safe and cost-effective.

We are very excited to have achieved the deployment of the world’s first AI-powered autonomous subsea vehicle. Automation can revolutionize the way we carry out inspection and maintenance of offshore wind farms, helping to reduce both costs and lead times. ” He added, Allen.

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Source and photo: Beam