Valle del Cauca inaugurates its first energy use plant

Inspenet, September 16, 2023. Atica, the leading company in the comprehensive management of solid waste, oils and water, has announced the inauguration of a single CDR Furnace (Fuel Derived from Waste) located in Valle del Cauca, Colombia with a production capacity of 4 million kilocalories of energy.
Valle del cauca

Inspenet, September 16, 2023.

Valle del Cauca marks a milestone in waste management!

The city of Cali produces around 1,900 tons of solid waste daily and according to the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Valle del Cauca (CVC), it is estimated that approximately 693,500 tons of this waste are collected annually, of which 40% undergoes processes. recycling, while the remaining 60% is classified as hazardous waste of industrial origin.

The management of this waste must be carried out by classifying it into two main categories: common waste, which includes items such as toilet paper, packaging, non-reusable plastics and food wrappers, among others, and hazardous waste, which includes hospital waste. and others contaminated with chemical substances. Some have the possibility of being used to generate thermal energy , thus contributing to the reduction of the consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels, such as natural gas and hydrocarbons.

Regarding the handling of hazardous materials that are not destined for landfills, safety protocols are used in CDR (Refuse Derived Fuel) ovens, an incineration technology that generates heat energy and alternative fuels.

In this context, Atica, the leading company in the comprehensive management of solid waste, oils and water, has announced the inauguration of a single CDR Furnace (Fuel Derived from Waste) located in Valle del Cauca, Colombia with a production capacity of 4 million kilocalories of energy .

During the first months of 2023, a total of 6,000 tons of waste have been collected, covering both hazardous, non-hazardous and special waste in the department of Valle. In 2022, the company achieved a notable 60% reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels , which includes natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas , in its internal processes. This achievement was largely due to energy use at the national level through the use of two additional CDR furnaces located in Cartagena and Mosquera.

The energy generation process begins with the classification of waste based on its composition. Then, those that are suitable for incineration are selected and undergo a crushing and compaction process. As a result, they are transformed into particles suitable for use as fuel.

It should be noted that Mauricio Abondano, commercial manager of Atica, highlights that: “The energy generation project arose in 2018 with the incorporation of CDR furnaces, a technology that began with an operational phase that has been widely accepted because it contributes to the environment. environment and is part of the circular economy, in which it is demonstrated that products that cannot be recycled and reused can have a second useful life from their energy use, which represents economic efficiency and productivity.”

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