US businessmen will invest 40 billion dollars in Mexico’s energy sector

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 21, 2022. When reporting the results of his official visit to the United States, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador highlighted the investment of 40 billion dollars for the energy sector.
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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 21, 2022

When reporting the results of his official visit to the United States, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador highlighted the investment of 40 billion dollars for the energy sector. It will be applied by US businessmen—from now until 2024—in pipelines, liquefaction plants, and fertilizers. Also in extraction of crude oil in partnership with Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), in accordance with existing contracts.

“If you remember, 110 contracts were delivered at that time, and most of them have no investment because it was argued that crude oil had no price, that it was not a business. Now that the price has risen, it is already more attractive for those who have those concessions, those contracts. And there are fields, oil fields that have a lot of potential.”

On the other hand, López Obrador reaffirmed the commitment to allow Americans to load gasoline at the border, and made the pipelines to transport gas from Texas to the West Coast available to President Biden.

The representative of the Executive also recalled the importance of not abandoning the energy transition to reduce dependence on oil. He recalled that the construction project of a solar plant in Sonora has begun, which along the border would supply energy to our country and export to border states of the American Union.

This, he indicated, as long as the planning is in charge of the Ministry of Energy and the main partner is the Federal Electricity Commission, although foreign investment could be allowed in partnership with the CFE.

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