Unprecedented technological advance! Ceprocor inaugurates the first Comprehensive Biofuels Analysis Laboratory in Córdoba

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Inspenet, May 23, 2023

The Córdoba Center of Excellence in Processes and Products (Ceprocor) began operations of its Comprehensive Biofuels Analysis Laboratory. Its main mission will be to verify the quality of biodiesel produced by self-consumption plants so that they can access the B100 Seal.

This laboratory – the first of its kind in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina – thus becomes the reference center for the granting of product quality witness certifications, such as the B100 seal. It is noteworthy that the analyzes of the program have a technical correlation with the standards regulated at the national level.

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The new room, which is located at the Santa María de Punilla headquarters of our Center, has state-of-the-art technology to perform reference analyzes on samples of biodiesel in its purest form.

On the occasion of the start-up of this specialized room, the Minister of Science and Technology, Pablo De Chiara, and the Minister of Public Services, Fabián López, visited the facilities and learned details of its operation. They were accompanied by officials from the provincial Productive Cabinet, authorities and directors of Ceprocor, representatives of universities, research centers, businessmen and producers.

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Investment in Science and Technology

The specific investment for the new room was around $30,000,000, partly from the ImpaCT.AR Science and Technology national program, for the purchase of the new equipment.

The investment consisted of the complete renovation of a CEPROCOR unit and the acquisition of different equipment:

  • Equipment to measure flash point according to ASTM D-93-18 standard;
  • High Precision Density Meter : to measure Density according to the ASTM D-1298-12b standard.
  • Karl Fischer equipment : to measure water content according to ASTM D-4928-12 standard
  • Acid Index Titrator Equipment : measure acidity according to ASTM D-664-18 standard

The reconditioning of the space for exclusive use in biofuel analysis is related to the conditions that this type of laboratory must present, including floor improvements, demolitions for expansion, lighting, countertops, etc. to which new cabins will be added.

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This brand-new laboratory is also complemented by other cutting-edge technologies already existing at the Center, such as a Nuclear Magnetic Resonator and a triple quadrupole Mass-Mass Gas Chromatograph, which allow for a comprehensive analysis of the biodiesel matrix and also of the raw material. . Between the measurements, analysis of the FAME content is carried out according to the EN 14103 standard; linolenic acid methyl ester content according to the same standard; mono, di, triglyceride content according to EN 14105 standard; and free and total glycerol content.

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Find out how Ceprocor guarantees the traceability and quality of biofuels with its state-of-the-art laboratory

The analyzes carried out by CEPROCOR make it possible to grant a witness certification of product quality to the programs framed in Law 10,721, as is the case of the B100 seal. Within the framework of this program, CEPROCOR has been designated as the reference laboratory for the granting of the seal, through Resolution 06/2022. It is noteworthy that the analyzes of the program have a technical correlation with the standards regulated at the national level.

This makes it possible to guarantee a standardized and traceable product, providing greater reliability in the use of biofuels at the provincial level, promoting their use and generating added value to the provincial agro-productive chain.

On the other hand, within the future potential of this laboratory, the analysis of different cuts between biodiesel and diesel stands out, in order to be the support laboratory for certifications focused on this type of new products; as well as the analysis of biodiesel made from different raw materials (second and third generation), ethanol and its various cuts with naphtha (alconafta).

Source and Photos : https://ceprocor.cba.gov.ar/pone-en-marcha-el-primer-laboratorio-de-analisis-integral-de-biocombustibles/

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