Unique opportunity! Call for young people: Get a scholarship of USD 10,000 and study in Australia

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Inspenet, May 21, 2023

Australia has one of the best education systems in the world and offers excellent opportunities for those looking to work abroad. The Destination Australia Scholarship awards a study visa and up to 15,000 Australian dollars (USD 10,000) to cover the expenses of immigrant students.

Destination Australia is a program promoted by the State of New South Wales through which young people are summoned to study in the cities of Newcastle and Wollongong, two hours from cosmopolitan Sydney.

The universities in both cities “are among the best in the world,” according to statements by Melly Arias, Director of Trade and Investment for the state of New South Wales. To access the scholarship, those interested must first be accepted at one of these universities.

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Open the doors to a promising future: What careers can be studied with the Destination Australia scholarship?

The scholarship is aimed at international students willing to continue their training and interested young people can choose any of the careers that are available at the universities for any branch of higher education: undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees.

Newcastle University has in its portfolio master’s degrees in medicine, psychology, cybersecurity, epidemiology, education, civil engineering, electrical engineering, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, business, international business, law, leadership and management in education, among other options .

Most Latin Americans are more interested in careers than are those related to the fields of agriculture, mining, fishing, and project management.

Find out how to apply for the Destination Australia Scholarship

The first step is to find the university of the applicant’s interest and contact an education agent of the institution. They will provide support and guidance during the application process.

To apply for a study visa in the state of New South Wales, the STUDY NSW platform ( https://www.study.nsw.gov.au/ ) is available, where all the necessary information about the institutions, the educational programs, costs, scholarships and requirements to enter the country.

Source : https://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/991714/sociedad/convocatoria-para-jovenes-argentinos-us-10000-estudiar-australia.html

Photos : Shutter Stock

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