They create an underwater robot capable of maneuvering in water

Its fish-inspired fin design allows it to swim, walk or crawl on the seabed.
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Crean robot submarino capaz de maniobrar en el agua

In the field of marine robotics, an underwater robot called HERO-BLUE has been developed, capable of adapting its movements both to swim and to walk or crawl on the seabed. This versatility significantly distinguishes it from conventional ROVs that rely exclusively on propellers and often face limitations in environments full of obstacles or strong currents.

HERO-BLUE: an underwater robot with innovative design

In underwater exploration situations such as inspecting submerged structures or investigating shipwrecks, traditional remotely operated vehicles often have problems with entanglement with materials such as algae and debris. However, HERO-BLUE, thanks to its innovative design, can overcome these challenges by using its flexible fins to maneuver in such environments.

This robot, the product of research by Taesik Kim and his team at the Pohang University of Science and Technology in South Korea, is inspired by the AQUA robot and features a locomotion system that imitates the movement of fish fins. With four multi-mode and two lateral fins, HERO-BLUE can alter its stiffness depending on the direction of the applied force, allowing it to adapt to various underwater conditions.


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HERO-BLUE is capable of performing multiple movements in the water. Source: POSTECH HERO (Hazardous and Extreme Robotics) Lab.

When encountering strong currents where swimming is not feasible, HERO-BLUE activates its buoyancy controllers to descend to the seafloor and walk, using the controlled stiffness of its fins to advance over uneven surfaces. In addition, it has a flexible spine that allows it to twist and maneuver in shallow waters, facing currents that would otherwise impede its progress.

Currently, with dimensions of 80 cm long by 60 cm wide and 30 cm high, and weighing 11.3 kg, HERO-BLUE is operated remotely, although its design includes stereoscopic cameras that could eventually allow its autonomy. The scientific community has already been able to learn more about this development through a recent article in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics magazine.

The biomimetic design of HERO-BLUE represents an advance in exploration capacity and adaptability in underwater environments while opening the door to future applications in the conservation of aquatic ecosystems.

By being able to operate without significantly interfering with marine fauna and overcoming natural obstacles, this underwater robot could play a crucial role in monitoring ocean health and researching sensitive habitats, where minimal disturbance is crucial.

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