Transocean Platform obtains multi-million dollar project in the Black Sea

Isbel Lázaro.
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Plataforma Transocean

Transocean , the offshore drilling company, has secured a new contract with OMV Petrom for the use of one of its semi-submersibles in the Black Sea. The Transocean Barents platform has been committed for a minimum of 540 days in the Romanian Black Sea region, with a daily rate of $465,000, excluding additional services.

Drilling is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2025 , with an estimated value of approximately $251 million in the order book, excluding mobilization and demobilization compensation. The daily rate for the 540 days will be $480,000 .

Current activity of the Transocean Platform

The platform is currently in operations for TotalEnergies . In July 2023, the French oil company booked the Transocean Barents semi-submersible platform to carry out a drilling contract in Lebanon at a cost of $365,000. This agreement includes three additional drilling options, with rates ranging from $350,000 to $390,000.

Additionally, TotalEnergies exercised an option to drill in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea for the platform, agreeing to a fee of $370,000. The Transocean Barents platform, built in 2009 with an Aker H-6e design, was manufactured by Aker Kvaerner Stord and has the capacity to accommodate 140 people. Its operational capacity reaches water depths of up to 10,000 feet and can drill to a maximum depth of 30,000 feet.

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It is important to mention that in the third quarter of 2023, Transocean continued its positive streak, managing to expand its contract portfolio for the sixth consecutive quarter and raising it to $9.4 billion through new allocations in the market. Additionally, one of the company’s semi-submersibles recently became the first equipment of its type to obtain the Abate (Power+) notation from DNV, as a result of improvements implemented to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during its operations.

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