EDP converts its Aboño thermal power plant into a green hydrogen plant

The Aboño plant is the first plant in Spain to combine natural gas and green hydrogen.
Central térmica de Aboño

The energy company EDP is accelerating the transformation of the Aboño thermal power plant, located near Gijón, into a green hydrogen plant. green hydrogen plant. This ambitious project, part of the “Asturias H2 Valley”, has been boosted by an allocation of 78 million euros approved by the Council of Ministers in July.

The plan aims to turn the plant into a pillar of the local electro-intensive industry, reducing its dependence on coal. By 2025, EDP expects the plant to operate exclusively on natural gas. natural gas and, eventually, renewable hydrogenthus eliminating coal production by that date. This conversion will enable the plant to reach an installed capacity of 494 MW, reinforcing EDP’s commitment to sustainability.

Aboño thermal power plant upgrades with green hydrogen

During 2025, the Aboño Aboño thermal power plant thermal power plant will undergo a scheduled shutdown for a complete overhaul of its facilities. Starting in July, it will be reactivated using natural gas and industrial gases initially, with green hydrogen gradually being incorporated from an adjacent production plant.

In terms of infrastructure, EDP will replace the current burners with others compatible with hydrogen and natural gas, without the need for significant structural modifications. New pipelines will be installed for the supply of renewable gas and systems will be implemented to integrate renewable hydrogen and natural gas. renewable hydrogen.

Finally, the project also implies a significant reduction in waste generation. waste generation, minimizing the plant’semissions, minimizing the plant’s environmental impact. EDP estimates a 96% reduction in waste such as ash and slag, representing a key step towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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Source: hydrogen-green

Photo: EDP