The Inspenet Forums to build collective knowledge

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, December 26, 2022. A virtual forum is an online discussion site where people post messages and exchange information around a topic. They are usually organized into categories and they open discussion topics in which web users will respond with their opinions.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, December 26, 2022

A virtual forum is an online discussion site where people post messages and exchange information around a topic. They are usually organized into categories and they open discussion topics in which web users will respond with their opinions.

These spaces allow analysis, confrontation and debate, since they deal with specific topics of interest to a group of people. Some terms used in the forums are: thread (subject, argument, thread) post (message responded to a topic) and forum (each of the forums within a forum system).

Inspenet, the network of knowledge and professional connection, has a Forums section, with nine rooms where members of the community can express their ideas around the following topics: 1) Equipment inspection, 2) Reliability and maintenance, 3) Corrosion, 4) Materials, 5) Norms and standards, 6) Quality management, 7) Safety, health and environment, 8) Technological trends and 9) Generalities.

To participate in the forums, the first step is to register at: . Before creating a new topic, check to see if your question hasn’t been asked before. Use the search tool (magnifying glass) at the top of the page. If you can’t find a room that has to do with the topic you want to raise; use the ‘General’ room.

Assign an explicit and descriptive title to your messages, try to avoid short or ambiguous titles such as “help”, “urgent”, “question”, “problem” or similar, which do not provide relevant information.

When writing your question or comment, take care of spelling and grammar, do not write in capital letters (on the Internet it is synonymous with shouting). It is recommended to avoid requesting responses to be sent to your personal email, since you could start receiving spam messages.

If you sent your message and notice an error or need to add something to your message, please edit your message instead of adding a new one, there is a 5 minute ‘window’ on Inspenet forums to edit a message from its creation, after that time You can only do it through the administrator.

It is not necessary to have the “correct” answer to participate in the forums, since participation (always related to the topic) is the main instrument for building knowledge. These spaces for dialogue, interaction and exchange of experiences provide the possibility of participation in a reflective way, thus leading to collaborative learning, providing knowledge from different points of view on the same concept.

If you have doubts or questions, contact the webmaster or administrator through .


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