The digital age has already arrived at construction sites with 360-degree vision

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By : Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 30, 2022.

US company OpenSpace uses a 360-degree camera to capture images of the job site, with a state-of-the-art user interface that allows you to virtually walk through the job site and see progress, comparing captures over time.

Its 360-degree cameras attach to helmets and connect to state-of-the-art computer vision, artificial intelligence and data visualization software.

With OpenSpace devices, workers can walk around the job site, collect detailed images, and automatically generate a 360-degree view that is attached to the plan of the area. The virtual experience introduces a new way of documenting the workplace and enables clients and project partners to minimize travel.

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In the world of real estate development, visual documentation of construction projects is essential. It aids in dispute resolution, prevents errors from escalating, and enables knowledge capture in the event of change orders. Builders are often required by contract to document progress. This usually means hiring someone to walk around the site and take photos of key areas once a month. These photos are then saved to a folder or uploaded to a cloud storage service.

At OpenSpace, they updated this idea by placing a 360-degree camera in a helmet, equipped with state-of-the-art computer vision, artificial intelligence and data visualization software, similar to the perception and navigation AI systems used in vehicles. autonomous.

Just turn on the camera, tap “go” in the app, and walk through the site. It is essentially passive; the OpenSpace Vision System does all the work, mapping site photos to plans automatically. Thus, there is a complete visual record of the site, with processing times of 15 minutes.

Source :

Photo: OpenSpace

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