The challenges to make shipping a more sustainable industry

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Inspenet, February 17, 2023

The maritime transport and international cargo industry contributes significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which is why Shipping and Freight Resource (SFR) carried out an analysis of how this year is projected for the sector in terms of emissions .

According to SFR, while several business areas of the industry could become more sustainable, there are some green initiatives that organizations can take to reduce pollution and benefit the environment, which are outlined below.

Energy Audits : Shipping, freight, and logistics companies must first conduct energy audits for their fleets, assets, and operating facilities. An energy audit will highlight areas of a company’s operations that could be improved to become more sustainable. Helps identify critical areas of operation where energy can be conserved and develop sustainable programs around them.

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Upgrade ship technology : Following an energy audit, companies should invest in upgrading their fleets with the latest, most energy-efficient technologies. The ships of the future will be greener, take advantage of advanced equipment and incorporate sustainability into all aspects of operations while en route or while in port. An example of new technology for ships is predictive maintenance.

Making Ships Lighter : Another way to reduce the carbon footprint of the shipping industry is to make ships lighter. New developments in shipbuilding materials allow ships to be lighter on the water, reducing emissions and minimizing noise pollution.

Create Cleaner Shipping : Recently, attitudes towards sustainability and the climate crisis have changed dramatically. More and more companies are looking to adopt green business practices, implement efficient technologies and reduce energy consumption.

Source :

Photo: ShutterStock

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