Tanknology bets on growth and innovation with the acquisition of Northwest Tank

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Inspenet, May 2, 2023

Tanknology Inc., the world leader in environmental compliance testing, inspection services and fuel quality solutions, has announced the acquisition of Northwest Tank and Environmental Services (Northwest Tank), a Woodinville, Washington-based provider of underground storage tank (UST) compliance services and meter calibrations.

“The transaction is expected to bring significant benefits to both companies’ customer base by adding highly-skilled employees, expanding geographic capacity and offering additional proprietary inspection and testing services. Northwest Tank shares our commitment to a customer-focused culture and the delivery of the highest quality service,” said Allen Porter, President and CEO of Tanknology.

1746 tanknology interna
The company is committed to growth and innovation with the acquisition of Northwest Tank

Acquisition of Northwest Tank will allow Tanknology to expand its geographic presence in the fuel storage sector

“I am extremely proud of what the company has accomplished over the past 35 years as the industry’s best service provider, innovator, and manufacturer of industry-leading technologies and equipment,” Porter continued.

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“Our goal has always been to meet the compliance needs of our international customers and partners. The integration of Northwest Tank’s expertise, services and processes further expands this mission and positions Tanknology as a leader in the industry,” added Porter.

Northwest Tank provides UST compliance services in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana and performs gauge calibrations in Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Minnesota, and Wisconsin .

“Northwest Tank and Environmental Services is pleased to join Tanknology,” said Remy Cano, president of Northwest Tank. “Our customers will benefit from our ability to integrate Tanknology’s industry-leading technologies, systems and processes. By joining Tanknology, Northwest Tank will enhance our service delivery capabilities and will be able to offer our customers additional services and resources. As part of Tanknology, our employees will have a greater depth and breadth of support and greater opportunities.”

About Tanknology®

It is the world’s largest provider of environmental compliance testing, inspection services, corrosion prevention and fuel quality solutions, serving more than 85,000 petroleum bunkering and storage facilities annually. The company offers more than 30 compliance-related service offerings and holds 22 patents for tank monitoring and leak detection technology. Internationally, its licensees span more than 20 countries and serve the world’s largest oilfield operators.

Source : https://tankstoragenewsamerica.com/northwest-tank-environmental-has-joined-tanknology/

Cover photo : Tanknology

Internal photo : Envato

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