New York: First turbine installed at South Fork Wind offshore wind farm

Isbel Lázaro.
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South Fork Wind

Inspenet, November 23, 2023.

New York State marked a historic milestone in its clean energy transition by placing the first turbine at the South Fork Wind offshore wind farm this past Monday. This project, with a capacity of 130 MW and located 35 miles from Montauk, will become the first commercial-scale wind farm in US federal waters.

South Fork Wind will generate power for 70,000 homes

Its capacity will generate enough renewable energy to power 70,000 homes on Long Island, with a projected reduction of up to 6 million tons of carbon emissions over a 25-year period, equivalent to removing 60,000 cars from the roads annually.

The initiative is a joint project led by Danish energy company Ørsted and Boston-based Eversource, using 12 SG 11-200 DD Siemens Gamesa wind turbines. The installation of the turbines is carried out by Van Oord’s Aeolus offshore vessel, which lifts and places the components on the foundations. The first foundations were installed in June, and the first offshore substation built in the United States was completed in July.

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Notably, the project will supply clean energy directly to East Hampton’s power grid through a single transmission line that was installed in March. The power generated will be sold to the Long Island Power Authority under a 20-year agreement.

Additionally, the project has created hundreds of local jobs and supported three ports in the North East, contributing to the development of a new national supply chain for offshore wind energy. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has announced that all 12 turbines are expected to be installed in late 2023 or early 2024.

South Fork Wind is part of New York’s ambitious goal to develop 9 GW of offshore wind by 2035, supporting the state’s goal of 100% clean electricity by 2040.

Likewise, the state has four other offshore wind projects in progress: Beacon Wind, Empire Wind 1, Empire Wind 2 and Sunrise Wind, which together have a capacity of more than 4 GW.

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