Singapore and classification societies team up to develop low-carbon marine fuels

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Inspenet, May 1, 2023

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) has joined forces with eight of the world’s leading classification societies, signing a Letter of Intent (LOI) to collaborate on maritime digitization and decarbonization initiatives.

The announcement was made during the Decarbonization Acceleration Conference at Maritime Week in Singapore. The agreement signed by senior executives from the MPA and classification societies, including the American Bureau of Shipping, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore, China Classification Society, DNV, Korean Register, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) and RINA.

Singapore serves as the world’s largest fueling hub

Collaboration under the LOI will focus on areas such as intelligent and autonomous shipping, cyber security, electrification, and zero or low carbon fuels. The association aims to advance the development of new technologies and solutions, ultimately benefiting the global maritime community.

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Key areas of cooperation include development of standards and technical references for maritime digitization and decarbonization, simplified Singapore Ship Registry (SRS) recognition and class annotations, industry and workforce capacity building. , and the guarantee of compliance with laws and regulations.

The MPA and classification societies plan to create new standards and technical references with an initial focus on meeting the Singapore requirements. This could include the development of zero or low carbon emissions marine fuels, such as methanol, ammonia and hydrogen, as well as marine electrification.

1741 Singapur descarbonizacion digitalizacion transporte maritimo
Singapore MPA and classification societies team up to develop low-carbon marine fuels

The association will also explore more efficient processes for ships with class notations to apply for and achieve similar SRS notations, working on safeguards if necessary. Additionally, MPA and classification societies will collaborate to improve future ship designs and develop new training curricula for emerging skills related to digitization and decarbonization.

“With the rapid changes brought about by decarbonization and digitization, there is a need to collaborate to learn from each other, partner like-minded stakeholders to build capacity, and accelerate the development and adoption of new technologies,” said Teo Eng Dih, Director AMP executive.

He added: “This LOI will pave the way for MPA to work with these eight recognized classification societies to shape standards and help develop innovative, viable and cost-effective measures with our trading partners, green and digital shipping broker partners and the global maritime industry. community.”

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Cover photo : Envato

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