Sierra Space develops delivery system from Earth orbit

The spacecraft could remain in orbit with payloads for up to 5 years before being needed.
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Sierra Space desarrolla sistema de entregas desde la órbita terrestre

Sierra Space, a pioneer in the field of commercial space technology, is in the final stages of testing its new spacecraft: the Sierra Space Ghost. This innovation could drastically reduce cargo transport times, offering deliveries from Earth orbit to any point on the planet in as little as 90 minutes.

Deliveries from Earth orbit with Sierra Space

Sierra Space’s purpose with this technology is to facilitate fast and efficient deliveries, capable of revolutionizing the delivery of supplies. The Ghost vehicle is notable for its ability to land in areas where suitable facilities do not exist, thanks to a rudder on the parafoil that allows precise landing within 300 feet of the target.

The mechanism behind this technology involves pre-loading essential supplies into “units” that can be launched into space and remain in orbit for up to 5 years. When required, a de-orbit engine would be activated to begin the descent of the payload, protected by a heat shield during re-entry into the atmosphere. Finally, a soft parachute would be deployed to ensure a safe landing. The following video explains very well how Ghost would work.


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This is how the Ghost system for deliveries from space orbit would work. Source: Sierra Space.

Erik Daehler, vice president of Mission and Orbital Services at Sierra Space, explains that the Ghost system can be adapted to different sizes and needs, with units ranging from 550 to 1,750 pounds.

How much would it cost to receive a package from space?

Although the initial cost per unit is in the tens of millions of dollars, the company is working to bring it down to single digits in the millions. Daehler mentions that, ideally, they would like to move toward reuse of these modules, which were initially designed to disintegrate after fulfilling disposal missions for NASA.

Sierra Space has not specified an operational release date for the system, but is actively engaged in a testing program that will define the necessary infrastructure, communication systems and other critical components.

As Sierra Space develops its Ghost technology, it opens up the possibility of transforming humanitarian and military aid logistics, as well as global commerce. The ability to deliver critical products in drastically reduced times could disrupt supply chains. current supply chains and and enable new forms of international trade. This breakthrough promises efficiency in global crisis situations, providing rapid access to vital supplies where and when they are needed.

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