Company demonstrates the success of its carbon capture method

Inspenet, December 1, 2023. Dutch direct air capture (DAC) company Carbyon has successfully demonstrated that its innovative rapid oscillation method can capture carbon (CO2) using less than 2,500 kWh per tonne.
captura de carbono

Inspenet, December 1, 2023.

Dutch direct air capture (DAC) company Carbyon has successfully demonstrated that its innovative rapid oscillation method can capture carbon ( CO2 ) using less than 2,500 kWh per tonne.

Carbyon stood out as the first company globally to reduce the investment costs (CAPEX) of DAC equipment through its rapid oscillation process. Now, the company has identified the missing solution to also significantly reduce energy consumption, marking significant progress towards the economic viability of DAC technology at less than $100 per ton.

The Carbyon Carbon Capture Method

In search of a low-cost direct air capture (DAC) solution, Carbyon developed an ultra-fast CO 2 capture material. Unlike conventional materials that require several hours to capture CO 2 from the air, Carbyon material can achieve this in a matter of minutes.

Each kilogram of this material has the capacity to capture up to 5 tons of CO 2 per year. This advancement enables the compact design of the DAC machine, resulting in an investment cost (CAPEX) of less than $50 per ton. Initially, the rapid oscillation process presented a problem of collateral adsorption of water, which generated an energy penalty. The recent discovery reduces water absorption, resulting in an energy demand of less than 2,500 kWh per ton, while maintaining CAPEX advantages.

It should be noted that Carbyon stands out as the first company dedicated to direct air capture that manages to effectively combine a low investment cost and reduced energy demand thanks to its exclusive rapid oscillation process.

In the course of COP28 in Dubai , these advances show that direct air capture is evolving into a consolidated solution that can significantly contribute to achieving our climate goals. To keep global warming below 2°C, the scenarios presented by the IPCC indicate that, in addition to essential emissions reductions, it is necessary to remove large quantities of CO 2 from the atmosphere. Direct air capture is emerging as a crucial technology that facilitates rapid and sustainable CO 2 removal.

Demonstrating 2,500 kWh/tonne with all-electric, low CAPEX technology puts Carbyon at the forefront of achieving the $100/tonne target the market is seeking. Nothing can stop us now“commented Hans De Neve, founder and CEO of Carbyon.

The progress made by Carbyon has facilitated a greater understanding of the operating principles, enabling a further reduction in the energy demand of the technology. The company is experiencing significant growth and is in the development phase of its first engineering-scale machine, which will be validated in real situations with the collaboration of pilot partners. So far, the company has raised $10 million in funding and is in the process of preparing a Series A funding round to support its upcoming initiatives.

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