Scientists develop methodology to create devices with nanoelements

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Inspenet, April 6, 2023

The new mathematical model they have developed will help design and create devices with nanoelements in the space and aviation industries, the press service of the Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University told Sputnik.

It is also indicated that it is a cost-effective and correct iterative method to calculate the stress-strain state of nanoplates. According to the scientists, the newly developed mathematical model of nonlinear nanoplates and efficient methods for the analysis of partial differential equations have broad scientific and practical relevance in the design and creation of sensitive elements of nanoelectromechanical systems, as they more accurately describe the actual operating conditions of the devices.

The authors of the method explained that the correctness of the method is guaranteed by the convergence theorems of the method of variable parameters of elasticity and the method of variational iterations.

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“Thin-walled space structures are used in many areas of aerospace engineering, instrumentation in the creation of devices with plate-shaped nanoelements, which are often subjected to significant static loads leading to plastic deformations… Practically, Solutions for elastic-plastic bending of plates that take nanoeffects into account have not been obtained,” the university stressed.

It concluded that the method of variational iterations, the extended Kantorovich method, has not been used, and the present study is the first attempt in this regard.


Photo: ShutterStock

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