Meet Saipem Hydrones for underwater exploration

The FlatFish can reduce the CO2 footprint by 90% during its operations.
Conoce los Hydrones de Saipem para la exploración submarina

Saipem is leading the transformation in subsea operations with its new generation of drones, designed to improve efficiency and sustainability in extreme environments. These advances highlight the company’s commitment to technological innovation and environmental protection.

Hydrones: the ultimate in underwater exploration

Saipem’s Hydrones are a fleet of underwater drones capable of diving to extreme depths and performing complex tasks autonomously. These robots, designed to operate in a wide range of sectors, from offshore energy to aquaculture, offer a sustainable and efficient solution for inspecting subsea infrastructuremonitoring water quality and performing salvage tasks.

With a range of up to 100 km and the ability to dive up to 3000 meters deep and operate for months without supervision, Hydrones represent a major leap forward in underwater robotics. underwater roboticsopening up new possibilities for ocean exploration and development.


Hydrones can dive to a depth of up to 3,000 meters. Source: Saipem.

Hydrone-S or FlatFish

The FlatFisha hybrid vehicle between ROV and AUV, redefines subsea inspection. Capable of autonomous operation, this drone minimizes human intervention, optimizing resources and significantly reducing the carbon footprint of operations.

Saipem FlatFish Hydrons for underwater exploration
The FlatFish is a hybrid between ROV and AUV Source: Saipem


With its enhanced capabilities for performing inspections and interventions through robotic arms, the arms, the Hydrone-R Hydrone-R has been recognized for its contribution to the future of offshore energy. This model is a clear example of how technology can transform traditional methods of offshore operation.

Saipem Hydrone-R Hydron for underwater exploration
Saipem’s Hydrone-R operates with robotic arms. Source: Saipem


The most powerful of the series, the Hydrone-Wis equipped to meet the toughest challenges on the seafloor. Its innovative propulsion technology enhances performance and promotes greater energy efficiency. energy efficiency during operations.

Saipem Hydrone-W for underwater exploration
The Hydrone-W is the most powerful of the series. Source: Saipem

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Source and photos: Saipem

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