Ashtead Technology to resell underwater robotics equipment

Isbel Lázaro.
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robótica submarina

Ashtead Technology , internationally recognized for its underwater rental equipment and solutions, has established a reseller agreement with i2S, a France-based company specializing in underwater robotics and imaging solutions.

This agreement represents an expansion of the rental agreement previously signed in early 2023 and gives Ashtead Technology the exclusive position of global reseller, in addition to remaining a rental provider, for i2S Orphie camera systems.

The importance of underwater robotics

i2S Orphie systems represent high specification cameras designed for use by ROVs and divers, improving visibility in murky waters. Orphie technology makes it possible to observe objects at a distance three times greater than many conventional cameras, generating actionable images in real time to support underwater inspection operations.

Currently, i2S Orphie systems are available to rent or purchase from Ashtead Technology’s international technology and service centers.

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Phil Middleton, head of surveying and robotics at Ashtead Technology, said: “ Since signing our first agreement with i2S at the beginning of the year, we have seen significant uptake of Orphie camera systems which are delivering exceptional results in the field for our customers “.

“This exclusive reseller agreement is another step forward in our relationship with i2S and further cements our commitment to increasing our capacity and having the widest range of innovative subsea equipment in our fleet to support the industry’s subsea challenges .”

For his part, Jules Guillien, head of sales at Orphie, said: “Through Ashtead Technology’s global reach and continued investment in the latest technologies, we are delighted with the adoption of our camera systems and customer feedback. We look forward to further strengthening our relationship with Ashtead Technology to bring our innovative imaging technology solutions to a broader customer base and build on our success so far.”.

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