Rolls-Royce tests its first hydrogen-powered aircraft engine

By: Inspenet, December 6, 2022. The British multinational Rolls-Royce has succeeded, for the first time, in running a modern aeronautical engine with hydrogen. This interesting test has been carried out in an outdoor installation at MoD Boscombe Down, in the United Kingdom.
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By : Inspenet, December 6, 2022

The British multinational Rolls-Royce has succeeded, for the first time, in running a modern aeronautical engine with hydrogen. This interesting test has been carried out in an outdoor installation at MoD Boscombe Down, in the United Kingdom.

Rolls-Royce has not developed an aircraft engine from scratch to run on hydrogen. The company has chosen to modify one of its most reliable solutions, the Rolls-Royce AE 2100.

The engineering team stripped the engine of all its external structure and mounted it on a test platform. Fortunately, the test went as expected. The Rolls-Royce AE 2100-A started and ran at low speed, becoming the first modern engine to run on hydrogen.

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What Rolls-Royce has done in this test is to run an aircraft engine directly with hydrogen, that is, we are not dealing with an electric motor, but with a combustion engine, but with hydrogen. This fuel is burned in a combustion process that, instead of emitting greenhouse gases, only produces water, which is why it is considered a “zero emissions” fuel.

Now that Rolls-Royce’s immediate goal, which was to prove that the hydrogen engine could work, has been achieved, the company plans to expand testing. The next step will be full-scale testing of the Pearl 15 engine used in long-range business jets such as the Bombardier Global 5500 and 6500. The tests are expected to continue over time and help define the parameters for the construction of new engines designed for this type of fuel.

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