A wheeled, two-armed robot called RB-Y1 unveiled

The robot has bimanual capability and advanced mobility features.
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Presentan un robot con ruedas y dos brazos llamado RB-Y1

Rainbow Robotics recently revealed the technical specifications of the RB-Y1, its innovative wheeled robot equipped with two arms. In a recent agreement, the company has collaborated with the Schaeffler Group and the Korea Electronics Technology Institute (KETI) to drive the development of the RB-Y1 as well as other mobile handling devices on Korean soil.

This development represents a major breakthrough in mobile robotics, where there has been a notable increase in interest and production of humanoid robots, especially those that mimic bipedal locomotion. . However, the RB-Y1 stands out for its unique combination of wheeled mobility and bi-manual handling capability, a distinctive feature in today’s landscape of predominantly autonomous mobile robots equipped with a single arm.

RB-Y1: a highly functional wheeled robot

The uniqueness of the RB-Y1 lies in its structure, which combines a rolling base with a humanoid robot equipped with two arms on top. This configuration allows the Rainbow Robotics robot to maneuver efficiently in its environment and use its arms precisely to perform a variety of tasks. The term “bimanual manipulator” has been adopted by the company to describe this innovative amalgam.

In addition, the RB-Y1 is designed to perform tasks of varying complexity and nature, thanks to its seven-degree-of-freedom arms and a six-axis torso capable of performing body movements. This advanced kinematic structure facilitates thevertical movement of the robot up to 50 cm, allowing work to be carried out at different heights with unprecedented precision. The company’s video below shows in detail the movements of the ribot.

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Its structure combines a rolling base with a humanoid robot. Source: Rainbow Robotics.

In terms of its travel capabilities, the RB-Y1 reaches a maximum speed of 2,500 mm/s (approximately 5.6 mph), standing out for its ability to accelerate and turn at high speeds by tilting the body. This design ensures optimal stability by dynamically modifying the height of the body to maintain the center of gravity, preventing falls during movement.

With dimensions of 600 x 690 x 1400 mm and a weight of 131 kg, each arm of the RB-Y1 can lift up to 3 kg.

AI in robots

Specific details about the integration of artificial intelligence into the robot are currently unknown, although videos have been released showing it being operated remotely. Despite this, Rainbow Robotics is in an active research and development phase to achieve full robot autonomy, which aligns with the growing interest in generative AI, as evidenced by tools such as ChatGPT and Figure.

In the context of a growing interest in advanced robotics and artificial intelligence, Rainbow Robotics’ RB-Y1 emerges as a pioneer in the integration of mobility and bimanual manipulation. This approach promises to overcome the limitations of traditional industrial robots and opens up new possibilities in process automation in various industrial sectors, paving the way for an era of unprecedented innovation and operational efficiency.

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Source and photo: therobotreport.com

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