Robot Sophia stars in the global forum on Artificial Intelligence


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Inspenet, April 17, 2023

The robot Sophia, activated on February 14, 2016, starred in an unprecedented exhibition at the IV Casa de Campo Global Forum held in the Dominican Republic under the slogan “Artificial Intelligence: Progress or Threat to Humanity?”

At the congress organized by the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (Funglode), this humanoid from the Hanson Robotics firm, capable of showing human expressions and interacting with people, was an example of how AI is a reality that opens up multiple expectations.

“Like the internet, artificial intelligence is a technology that is here to stay. It will contribute to improving our lives,” said the president of Funglode, former Dominican head of state Leonel Fernández.

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He added: “Artificial intelligence does not carry an existential risk to humanity. It is not a fight of machines against human beings. Machines are not capable of thinking for themselves. They only think in relation to what they are programmed. They can only pose a risk to humanity if humans themselves make it possible.”

Exhibitions at the IV Forum

In the first part of the IV Global Forum @ Casa de Campo, David Hanson, president of Hanson Robotics, also spoke, among others, who spoke on the topic “Human Emulation in AI and Robots for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Machine Sentientity Through the Human-like Incarnation and the Integrative Humanities».

For her part, the director of Intellectual Property and the Cutting-Edge Technologies Division of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Ulrike Till, spoke about the measures that governments are adopting to regulate artificial intelligence.

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Fernández spoke at the global forum on Artificial Intelligence

Sophia the humanoid robot

The exposure of the Sophia robot to dozens of technology experts, businessmen and politicians began somewhat bumpy. From the side of the stage, the robot began to speak with choppy audio and had to interrupt her speech. A team of technicians were able to fix the problem a few minutes later, and when the microphone worked properly, Sophia said: “That was embarrassing.”

Finally, he took a few minutes to list his equipment and abilities. “I have many skills, but I still have a long way to go,” she assured with a feminine and robotic timbre of voice. The humanoid is built with artificial intelligence software that allows it to recognize voices and facial expressions, move and gesture, among many other qualities.

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The robot Sophia and Leonel Fernández the global forum on Artificial Intelligence

At the end of his presentation, the president of the organizing foundation and former president of the host country, Leonel Fernández, entered the stage. Sophia walked over to him and they had a brief conversation before an impressed audience.

“If you have any new ideas on how I can better help humanity and use AI to make life better, please let me know,” Sophia the robot concluded.

Source and Photos: a-forum-artificial-intelligence-rdominican/

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