Inspenet, May 17, 2023
Brazil exceeded the 3 gigawatt (GW) growth mark in the electricity generation matrix in April in 2023, according to data calculated monthly by the inspection of the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) .
In the first four months of the year, the expansion of installed capacity was 3,343.1 megawatts (MW), 86.34% of this amount corresponding to wind power plants (1,643 MW, 49.15% of the total) and solar photovoltaic (1,243.4 MW, 37.19% of the total).
Only in the month of April there was a growth of 593.0 MW concentrated in 26 plants, of which 11 were wind (153.5 MW), eight solar photovoltaic (324.0 MW), five thermoelectric (85.2 MW ), a mini hydroelectric plant (22.3 MW ), a hydroelectric generation plant (8 MW).
A total of 104 plants entered into commercial operation in 2023, in 15 states of the five Brazilian regions. In descending order, the states of Minas Gerais (1,057.8 MW), Rio Grande do Norte (687.4), Bahia (567.1 MW) and Piauí (314.9 MW) present the best results to date. In the cut only for the month of April, Minas Gerais had the highest growth, with 231.0 MW.

Brazil reaches new milestones in its installed power generation capacity
Brazil totaled 191,702.7 MW of inspected power up to May 2, according to data from ANEEL’s Generation Information System, SIGA, updated daily with data from plants in operation and awarded projects under construction. Of this total in operation, according to SIGA, 83.55% of the country’s electrical matrix is considered renewable.
ANEEL updates the country’s generation data daily through the ANEEL Generation Information System, SIGA. Presents data on plants in operation and projects under construction granted.
Other information on monitoring the expansion of generation supply is available on interactive panels at . These panels, updated monthly, show the forecast for the entry of new generating units for the coming years.
They also bring a history of generational expansion since the creation of ANEEL (1997). In addition to the panels, a database is also available with forecast information and works monitoring of the projects awarded for construction.
Content licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license (CC BY-ND 3.0)
Original title: Expansão na matriz elétrica em 2023 é de 3.3 GW april (Expansion of the electric matrix in 2023 is 3.3 GW until April)
Infographic : Source: National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL)
Cover photo : ShutterStock
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