Proyecta Industrial Delivers Cutting-Edge Telecom Systems for Dos Bocas

Inspenet, May 17, 2023 The company Proyecta Industrial de México, directed by Daniel Flores, designed and built three fundamental telecommunications systems for the operation of the Olmeca Dos Bocas Refinery, one of the most important oil complexes in Mexico.
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Inspenet, May 17, 2023

The company Proyecta Industrial de México , directed by Daniel Flores, designed and built three fundamental telecommunications systems for the operation of the Olmeca Dos Bocas Refinery , one of the most important oil complexes in Mexico.

These are the Telecommunication System for Instrumentation, Control and Security, the Intelligent Electrical Control System and the Voice and Data Telecommunications System.

The objective of developing this infrastructure was to design and build an optimal telecommunication system that would optimize the client’s resources and be able to meet the established deadlines. For this reason, Proyecta Industrial de México took charge of the project from its conceptualization to its materialization.

1822 Refineria Olmeca Dos Bocas Mexico sistema telecomunicaciones interna

Optimization of resources and meeting deadlines: Details of the telecommunications project at the Dos Bocas Refinery

In this regard, Angelo Raimondi, Telecommunications Manager of Proyecta Industrial México highlighted that this project encompasses engineering, procurement and construction, which is why it represented a challenge from its conceptualization to its execution in the construction part.

“The particular challenge for the refinery’s Telecom system had its starting point from the conceptualization of the client’s needs until landing it in the construction part,” emphasized the manager.

He added that the design of these systems represented one of the most challenging projects from the telecommunications point of view.

“The biggest challenge was to develop an engineering to optimize the client’s resources and be able to meet the established deadlines, therefore, something key was the early procurement that we carried out for fiber optics. It was one of the most challenging projects from Telecom’s point of view because we bought and installed more than 660 kilometers of fiber in the process and storage plant areas”, he pointed out.

The Olmeca Dos Bocas Refinery located in Paraíso, Tabasco, Mexico, is an oil facility made up of 17 processing plants and auxiliary services that require measurement, monitoring, and control systems for their correct operation and thus process 340,000 barrels of crude daily.

“Just to measure the work done, the more than 660 kilometers of fiber optics are equivalent to covering the round trip route of the Trans-Isthmic Train, which goes from Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz to Salina Cruz, Oaxaca,” Raimondi said.

The Telecommunications Coordinator explained that the intention of these systems is “to have a communication network that is interconnected with all the plants and to have control of each one of them.”

For this reason, Daniel Alejandro Flores Nava and the Proyecta Industrial México team carried out the integration of the Central Control Room (CCC) and the IT Building, the two most important control centers of the refinery that are interconnected with the different production plants. process and auxiliary services.

In this way, it seeks to provide the connectivity service of the 17 plants with the CCC and start the tests of the Distributed Control System of the refinery, to later start the start-up tests that require monitoring and control systems.

Regarding the Telecommunications System, Angelo Raimondi stated that “it covers the voice and data part, basically to have computers and telephones communicated, as well as the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), which is the part of cameras and the Industrial Paging System, subset systems of Telecom that have both operational and security importance”.

Regarding the electrical system, the company was in charge of the telecommunications integration system, which is why they interconnected the power substations of the refinery with the different substations of the 17 processing plants and auxiliary services.

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Photos : Courtesy

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