Promigas and Surtigas put into operation a green hydrogen production plant and injection into natural gas networks in Colombia

By: Dra. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 22, 2022. The companies in the energy sector Promigas and Surtigas began a pilot project for the production of green hydrogen and injection into natural gas networks in Colombia. This pilot will initially be carried out in the Caribbean region.
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By : Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, March 22, 2022.

The companies in the energy sector Promigas and Surtigas began a pilot project for the production of green hydrogen and injection into natural gas networks in Colombia. This pilot will initially be carried out in the Caribbean region.

With this milestone, which is located in the “Heroic Station” of Cartagena, the path is marked towards the inclusion of this molecule in the Colombian energy matrix, taking a decisive step in the diversification of energy sources in its portfolio, consolidating its leadership in sustainability and innovation in Latin America.

This pilot plant will produce green hydrogen to inject it into the natural gas network in the Mamonal area in Cartagena, generating a positive impact on the natural gas of the industrial sector and the inhabitants of the area.

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The project consists of a first phase, which will produce about 1,574 kilograms per year of green hydrogen which, mixed with natural gas and disposed of in the energy distribution network, will reduce the environmental footprint of the operation by avoiding emissions of 6 tons of CO2 year. The pilot plant is designed to be scaled in 5 growth phases, which would allow it to produce up to 15 tons of hydrogen per year.

“At Surtigas we continue to advance along the path of Colombia’s energy transition, marking a milestone by putting into operation the first plant in Latin America for the production of green hydrogen injected into the natural gas network,” said Santiago Mejía, General Manager of Surtigas. .

Green hydrogen is becoming increasingly relevant in the global economy due to its potential to reduce CO2 emissions and replace other highly polluting energy sources, especially in processes that are difficult to electrify. According to recent estimates, it could eliminate a tenth of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Source and Photos :–365https://www.alertacaribe .com/noticias/bolivar/with-green-hydrogen-polluting-emissions-will-be-reduced-in-cartagena